1000 Four Show MadSkills
3 takeaways from this episode:
Tap into and leverage our global talent, focus on your core business processes and save costs by outsourcing to military spouses.
Bringing innovation and technology to the military spouse unemployment issue
Hustling is working harder than anyone else around you. Making something from the ground up is not just an 8 to 5 job
Madskills is a trusted network to outsource your company and workforce needs. MadSkills is fueled by military spouses from across the world.
1000 Four is the member of your team who always has and answer, who’s still up working late with you, and the friend who understands what you’re going through. 1000 Four includes an on-demand library of videos and resources from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts. On top of those resources, we plug you into a community of hundreds of entrepreneurs so you can share goals and challenges, ask questions, and find inspiration.
Full details: https://startwithhatch.com/1000four
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